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Vendor Management Plan

Module: Vendor Management

Purpose: To track vendor related workflow and compliance

To Access: Vendor Management - Vendor Management Plan

The Vendor Management Plan screen is a convenient place to manage vendor related compliance tasks that are optionally tracked via the Workflow module.

Each item requires the following details:

To add a new item click on the grey "Item label" field of the line at the bottom of the list, and fill in all the required fields.
Use [Tab]/[BackTab] or the mouse to move between the fields.

When an item is added or changed, the Save and Cancel buttons are shown. Click on the Save button to save your changes. Use the Delete button to remove an item.

NB. By default, the compliance items created in the Vendor Management module are visible to users who have the relevant access to the Compliance module.
To hide these items in the Compliance module, a system Administrator must add/edit the 'ComplyHideVendorItems' system parameter to 'true'. (See System Parameters)

See also:

    Vendor Details

    Due Diligence

    Vendor Management Plan




    Contract List

    Contract Details